As a veterinary professional you need to be certain that when the cat leaves your practice and goes home its medicine is being administered correctly. Is the required dose being given? Is it the only animal in contact with the medicine?
Research has shown that owners have no more difficulties administering tablets than they do liquid medication, and that some owners are administering liquids by putting it on food which can raise a question around compliance.
of cat owners giving a tablet to treat hyperthyroidism find it either extremely easy to medicate their cat, or have an occasional struggle but overall they take it without fuss.1
Feline hyperthyroidism is a lifelong condition that requires careful understanding and appropriate treatment and management by both the vet and the owner.
Dechra makes it easier for you to take control of hyperthyroidism through accurate and effective treatment, as well as providing a wide range of additional support materials to help you deliver the best outcome possible for your hyperthyroid patients.