For the active immunization of chickens (broilers and prospective laying hens / dams) to reduce the deleterious effect on ciliary activity caused by infection with avian infectious bronchitis virus, serotype 793B (line GI-13), which may manifest itself clinically as respiratory phenomena. Onset of immunity: 10 days after vaccination. Duration of immunity: 56 days after vaccination
Active(s): Live avian infectious bronchitis virus, variant strain V-173/11: 102.7 - 104.6 EID50* * EID50 = 50% Embryo infective dose
Pack sizes: 10 x 2500, 10 x 5000
For active immunisation of chickens (broiler and future layers/breeders) in order to reduce the detrimental effect resulting from the infection by avian infectious bronchitis virus, serotype Massachusetts on the ciliary activity, which may be manifested in respiratory clinical signs..
Onset of immunity: 3 weeks after vaccination
Duration of immunity: 5 weeks after vaccination
Active(s): Attenuated live virus of avian infectious bronchitis, Massachusetts serotype, strain H-120
Pack sizes: 10 x 2500, 10 x 5000
For active immunisation of chickens (broilers, future layers and breeders) with maternally derived antibodies (break-through titre: ≤500 IDEXX ELISA units) to reduce clinical disease and bursal lesions due to infection caused by Avian Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) viruses. Chickens can be vaccinated from 10 days of age. Onset of immunity: 2 weeks after vaccination Duration of immunity: 5 weeks after vaccinatio
Active(s): Attenuated live Infectious Bursal Disease virus, Intermediate plus strain G6 101.9 - 103.2 EID50* *EID50 = 50% embryo infective dose
Pack sizes: 10 x 5000
For active immunisation of chickens (broilers and future layers/breeders) to reduce mortality and clinical signs due to infection with Newcastle disease virus. Onset of immunity: 3 weeks post vaccination. Duration of immunity: 5 weeks post vaccination.
Active(s): Live, lentogenic virus of Newcastle disease, strain Hitchner B1 106.0 to 107.0 TCID50
Pack sizes: 10 x 2500 Doses
For treatment and prevention of post parturient disorders in cattle: for administration following dystocia, retained fetal membranes and endometritis caused by pathogens susceptible to tetracycline.
Active(s): Tetracycline hydrochloride
Pack sizes: 2 x 5
Supportive treatment of infections of superficial traumatic origin or surgical wounds caused by micro-organisms sensitive to chlortetracycline. The veterinary medicinal product can be used as part of a treatment for superficial foot infections, in particular interdigital dermatitis (foot rot) in sheep, and digital dermatitis in cattle.
Active(s): Chlortetracycline HCl 78.6 mg (equivalent to chlortetracycline 73.0 mg) Excipients: Patent Blue V, colouring agent 4.8 mg
Pack sizes: 211 ml, 422 ml
For the treatment of respiratory infections caused by oxytetracycline susceptible organisms such as Arcanobacterium (Actinomyces) pyogenes and Haemophilus somnus.
For the treatment of respiratory infections caused by oxytetracycline susceptible organisms such as Pasteurella multocida.
Active(s): Oxytetracycline (as dihydrate)
Pack sizes: 250 ml
Treatment of infections caused by, or associated with, organisms sensitive to the trimethoprim-sulfadiazine combination.
Active(s): Sulfadiazine, Trimethoprim
Pack sizes: 100 ml
For the sedation and slight analgesia of horses and cattle; to facilitate physical examinations and treatments, such as minor surgical interventions.
Active(s): Detomidine hydrochloride
Pack sizes: 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml
Broilers, broiler breeders, replacement chickens and turkeys:
Treatment of respiratory and alimentary tract diseases of bacterial and mycoplasmal origin (e.g. infection caused by E.coli, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis).
Active(s): Enrofloxacin
Pack sizes: 1 L
Active(s): Pentobarbital sodium
Pack sizes: 100 ml
In all target species: As adjunctive therapy in the treatment of circulatory shock (hypovolaemic or endotoxaemic).
Active(s): Sodium chloride
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml, 2 x 5 L, 4 x 3 L
For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in
For use in diarrhoea in combination with oral re-hydration therapy to reduce clinical signs in calves of
over one week of age and young, non-lactating cattle.
For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of acute mastitis, in combination with antibiotic therapy.
For the relief of post-operative pain following dehorning in calves.
For use in non-infectious locomotor disorders to reduce the symptoms of lameness and inflammation.
For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of puerperal septicaemia and toxaemia (mastitis-metritisagalactia
syndrome) with appropriate antibiotic therapy.
For use in the alleviation of inflammation and relief of pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal
For the relief of pain associated with equine colic.
Active(s): Meloxicam
Pack sizes: 100 ml
Fattening pigs:
Treatment and metaphylaxis of:
- Post-weaning diarrhoea caused by beta-haemolytic K88-positive, K99-positive or 987P Escherichia coli strains susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
- Secondary bacterial infections caused by Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus spp. and Haemophilus parasuis susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
Treatment and metaphylaxis of:
- Colibacillosis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
- Coryza caused by Avibacterium paragallinarum susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
Active(s): Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole
Pack sizes: 5 L
Sedation. Premedication in combination with an anaesthetic.
Active(s): Xylazine (as hydrochloride)
Pack sizes: 25 ml
Treatment of infections caused by bacteria sensitive to amoxicillin, Pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis.
Active(s): Amoxicillin (as trihydrate)
Pack sizes: 1 kg
For the treatment and metaphylaxis of necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens. The disease must have been currently diagnosed in the flock before metaphylactic use.
Active(s): Phenoxymethylpenicillin 800 mg
Pack sizes: 1000 g
In horses, cattle, pigs, dogs and cats:
Treatment of inflammatory or allergic conditions.
In cattle: Treatment of primary ketosis (acetonaemia).
Induction of parturition.
In horses: Treatment of arthritis, bursitis or tenosynovitis.
Active(s): Dexamethasone
Pack sizes: 50 ml, 100 ml
Treatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis in lactating cows caused by staphylococci and streptococci, sensitive to penicillin.
Active(s): Penethamate hydrioe
Pack sizes: 50 ml
Treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) associated with Moraxella bovis sensitive to tulathromycin. Treatment and metaphylaxis of swine respiratory disease (SRD) associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis and Bordetella bronchiseptica susceptible to tulathromycin. Treatment of the early stages of infectious pododermatitis (foot rot) associated with virulent Dichelobacter nodosus, requiring systemic treatment.
Active(s): Tulathromycin
Pack sizes: 50 ml, 100 ml
Symptomatic treatment of inflammatory respiratory diseases, if necessary in combination with an appropriate anti-infective therapy.
Active(s): Sodium salicylate
Pack sizes: 10 x 100 g
Supportive treatment of pyrexia in acute respiratory disease, in combination with appropriate (e.g. anti-infective) therapy if necessary.
For the treatment of inflammation in combination with concurrent antibiotic therapy.
Active(s): Sodium salicylate
Pack sizes: 1 kg
Treatment of infections in chickens, turkeys and ducks caused by bacteria susceptible to amoxicillin.
Active(s): Amoxicillin
Pack sizes: 250 g
For the treatment of the clinical signs associated with porcine respiratory disease caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae susceptible to doxycycline.
Chickens (broiler, pullet, breeder):
Where clinical disease is present in the flock, to reduce mortality, morbidity, and clinical signs and to reduce lesions due to Pasteurellosis caused by Pasteurella multocida or to reduce morbidity and lesions in respiratory infections caused by Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT).
Active(s): Doxycycline hyclate
Pack sizes: 1 kg
For the treatment of clinical respiratory infections associated with Mycoplasma gallisepticum susceptible to doxycycline.
Active(s): Doxycycline hyclate
Pack sizes: 1 kg
The product is indicated for euthanasia in dogs, cats, horses and cattle.
Active(s): Secobarbital sodium (quinalbarbitone sodium), cinchocaine hydrochloride
Pack sizes: 25 ml
The product is indicated for euthanasia in dogs, cats, horses and cattle.
Kit includes:
50 ml bottle of Somulose
50 ml syringe
16 gauge sterile cannula
Mini spike.
Active(s): Secobarbital sodium (quinalbarbitone sodium), cinchocaine hydrochloride
Pack sizes: 50 ml
Horses, cattle, pigs, dogs: treatment of smooth muscle spasms and pain associated with underlying disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, urogenital system and bile excretory organs.
Horses only: Spasmodic colics.
Cattle, pigs, dogs: Supportive therapy for acute diarrhoea and gastroenteritis.
Active(s): Metamizole sodium monohydrate
Pack sizes: 100 ml
In all target species: - Treatment of superficial wound infections caused by micro-organisms susceptible to thiamphenicol. In cattle, goats and sheep: - Treatment of infections of the claw and hoof such as foot rot, interdigital dermatitis, digital dermatitis caused by micro-organisms susceptible to thiamphenicol.
Active(s): Thiamphenicol
Pack sizes: 150 ml
Treatment of Swine Dysentery caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Porcine Colonic Spirochaetosis (colitis) caused by Brachyspira
pilosicoli susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy (ileitis) caused by Lawsonia
intracellularis susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Enzootic Pneumonia caused by
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, including infections complicated by
Pasteurella multocida susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus
pleuropneumoniae susceptible to tiamulin.
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Chronic Respiratory Disease caused by Mycoplasma
gallisepticum and Airsacculitis and Infectious Synovitis caused by Mycoplasma
synoviae susceptible to tiamulin.
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Infectious Sinusitis and Airsacculitis caused by
Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and Mycoplasma meleagridis
susceptible to tiamulin.
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Active(s): Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate
Pack sizes: 5 L, 12 x 1 L
Treatment of Swine Dysentery caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Porcine Colonic Spirochaetosis (colitis) caused by Brachyspira
pilosicoli susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy (ileitis) caused by Lawsonia
intracellularis susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Enzootic Pneumonia caused by
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, including infections complicated by
Pasteurella multocida susceptible to tiamulin.
Treatment of Pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus
pleuropneumoniae susceptible to tiamulin.
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Chronic Respiratory Disease caused by Mycoplasma
gallisepticum and Airsacculitis and Infectious Synovitis caused by Mycoplasma
synoviae susceptible to tiamulin.
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Treatment and metaphylaxis of Infectious Sinusitis and Airsacculitis caused by
Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and
The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is
Active(s): Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate
Pack sizes: 5 L, 12 x 1 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct hypovolaemia resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease (especially where metabolic alkalosis is present, e.g. in cases of sustained vomiting or abomasal disorders in cattle). It may be administered to meet normal fluid and electrolyte requirements when fluids cannot be given orally.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 9mg
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml, 50 x 100 ml, 4 x 2 L, 10 x 1 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration and metabolic acidosis in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct volume depletion (hypovolaemia) resulting from gastrointestinal disease or shock.
Active(s): Sodium lactate 0.317% w/v, sodium chloride 0.600% w/v, potassium chloride 0.040% w/v, calcium chloride dihydrate 0.027% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 250 ml, 20 x 500 ml, 2 x 5 L, 4 x 3 L, 10 x 1 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for maintenance therapy of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It should be used once the underlying fluid balance has been restored.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.18% w/v, glucose monohydrate 4.4% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml
For the treatment of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct hypovolaemia resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease. It may be administered to meet normal fluid and electrolyte requirements when fluids cannot be given orally. The glucose is not a significant calorie source but can provide transient improvement of hypoglycaemia.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.9% w/v, glucose monohydrate 5.5% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct volume depletion resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease, especially where hypokalaemia is present (e.g. in cases of sustained vomiting).
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.860% w/v, potassium chloride 0.030% w/v, calcium chloride dihydrate 0.033% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml
An aid in raising Vitamin B12 levels in cattle and horses, calves and foals.
For use in the treatment of Vitamin B12 deficiency, and for poor growth rates and general unthriftiness in young animals when associated with the above deficiency.
Active(s): Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)
Pack sizes: 50 ml
An aid in raising Vitamin B12 levels in sheep, foals and calves.
For use in the treatment of Vitamin B12 deficiency, and for poor growth rates and general unthriftiness in young animals when associated with the above deficiency.
Active(s): Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)
Pack sizes: 50 ml
For use as a local anaesthetic, by field block or perineural administration, in minor surgical procedures including dehorning and disbudding in cattle.
Active(s): Procaine hydrochloride, epinephrine bitartrate
Pack sizes: 100 ml