From anatomy charts to on-line education and client booklets to diagnostic flow charts.
When it comes to equine health, vets put their trust in us. Dechra offers a wide range of products supporting the equine veterinarian, from pain management to products for anaesthesia, dermatology, critical care, reproduction and euthanasia.
We were the first to bring a microencapsulated phenylbutazone to market and Equipalazone® is still No.1 after 35 years (GFK data May 2014). Along with other leading products, Dechra provides the widest range of veterinary-licensed fluids and continues to push forward initiatives that add real value to the equine market.
The Equine Passport leaflet, Controlled Drugs Register, educational websites and Veteq client leaflets are just some of the things that we have launched as a result of our dialogue with veterinary professionals.
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