In all target species: As adjunctive therapy in the treatment of circulatory shock (hypovolaemic or endotoxaemic).
Active(s): Sodium chloride
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml, 2 x 5 L, 4 x 3 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct hypovolaemia resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease (especially where metabolic alkalosis is present, e.g. in cases of sustained vomiting or abomasal disorders in cattle). It may be administered to meet normal fluid and electrolyte requirements when fluids cannot be given orally.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 9mg
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml, 50 x 100 ml, 4 x 2 L, 10 x 1 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration and metabolic acidosis in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct volume depletion (hypovolaemia) resulting from gastrointestinal disease or shock.
Active(s): Sodium lactate 0.317% w/v, sodium chloride 0.600% w/v, potassium chloride 0.040% w/v, calcium chloride dihydrate 0.027% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 250 ml, 20 x 500 ml, 2 x 5 L, 4 x 3 L, 10 x 1 L
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for maintenance therapy of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It should be used once the underlying fluid balance has been restored.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.18% w/v, glucose monohydrate 4.4% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml
For the treatment of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct hypovolaemia resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease. It may be administered to meet normal fluid and electrolyte requirements when fluids cannot be given orally. The glucose is not a significant calorie source but can provide transient improvement of hypoglycaemia.
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.9% w/v, glucose monohydrate 5.5% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct volume depletion resulting from shock or gastrointestinal disease, especially where hypokalaemia is present (e.g. in cases of sustained vomiting).
Active(s): Sodium chloride 0.860% w/v, potassium chloride 0.030% w/v, calcium chloride dihydrate 0.033% w/v
Pack sizes: 20 x 500 ml